Sunday, August 30, 2009

Listen first to the video in the Title then come back to read the blog. While the event posted at the end of the video is long past the message will live on forever. Do you believe God loves you? It is truly the separation of the believer. How can we say we believe and not believe wholly the purity of God's great love? I do not think we can. It goes back to my blog post on looking in the mirror. What do you say about yourself when you look in the mirror? Does your message reflect how much you are loved just the way you are? This is a tough question and it is one I am working on. I can not give what I do not own.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First click on the link in the title page and listen to an amazing diamond in the rough. Then come back to read the blog. I know we have heard several people like Paul Potts lately who have incredible voices however have been judged by what is seen on the outside. I tell the ladies I mentor that the real person is the one on the inside when they close the door of their home to outsiders. When we hear these talents we are thrilled with their abilities and quite amazed and yet perplexed because we find ourselves asking the question, "where have you been all your life?" It seems some of these hidden talents tend to be older, yet I admit some have been younger, but it is the older ones we marvel most about. Because news spreads fast, venues like youtube and others quickly alert us when these talents are discovered. Yet on the outside and until they open their mouth, judgement is still persistent. Even after the talent is exposed a makeover becomes one of the first priorities, oh not necessarily by the talent themselves but by the important people looking on. Why is that? Actually truth be known it helps to remove the judgement about the person. In real estate the first impression known as 'curb appeal' sells the house. Anyway, much like these new found talents God is looking for the person on the inside. He isn't much concerned with what you look like on the outside. Are you a diamond in the rough waiting for your talent to be exposed? Perhaps you say "I can't sing!" Well neither can I. In fact I am accused of being tone deaf, but that is another story. Or you might have said, "I do not have a talent." Ouch! Ask God to show you His talent that He created you to share with the world. It is there. Don't judge yourself by the outward appearance. Ask God to help you look deep inside. What is your passion? The talent is probably submerged there. The world needs the diamond you might have had hidden all these years. Take a deep breath and step on stage.....

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Value of Life

On this early Saturday morning in the heat of an August summer in Phoenix Arizona I began to muse on the value of life. The air-conditioning vent just quite blowing the cool air over my body and small beads of tiny moisture has begun to settle on my forehead. The house is quiet, my husband off to his usual Saturday early morning golf game. His robe is found thrown over a chair in the family room so not to disturb me as he quickly dressed in the faint light of the dawn. My coffee is cooling down as it sits beside my laptop. I am too busy typing to drink from the cup. God has reminded me of my value. An often overlooked and underestimated value. As much as I try, I fight the fact I have no clue what my value is to me or to God. Sometimes I think I have great value and other times, especially when I am looking in the mirror, I can not find value at all. The words that come to mind: too fat, loose skin, eyes wrinkly, skin sagging, age creeping. Why I can wave with the skin that hangs from my underarm! Can't you? What am I saying? Am I crazy to type this out and acutally let the world read my insecurities? I must be! But in spite of all of my ineffeciencies, I am valuable. God loves me. He says so. The price that was paid for me was beyond my understanding and yet this price is my hope. I am working on what I say when I look in a mirror. I want those thoughts to match the words I read about me in the Bible. What words do you think on when you look in the mirror? Do they reflect the words that God says about You? Do you know what God says about You? If not read the book of John in the New Testament. This book will give you more understanding of who this person was that gave everything for you and me. Regardless of what we think or believe.