Sunday, October 24, 2010

Holloween or 'Trunk or Treat'?

My heart hurts as I learn more about events that as a Christian I participate in that may or may not be what I think they are about. The last couple of years I have been struggling with Christmas and the commercialization of Christ’s birth. Christmas has become everything but about Christ coming into this world to reconcile me to my Father God.

Now that Halloween is approaching I saw this article posted to my FB page and thought it appropriate to send out. This will take 10 minutes to read but the article is very informative. I went on to read the next article that has a link at the bottom of this article.

What should we as Christians do about Halloween now that we are informed? I believe it is a great opportunity to share Christ. We can hand out candy with a Christian message or candy and a little booklet that a child could easily read telling the story of Christ. These can be purchased at the Christian bookstore. We can volunteer at our church’s ‘Trunk or Treat’ as the article mentions. Most churches are now seeing the need for an alternative to Halloween.

Be blessed this week as we pray about Halloween and what it means for Followers of Christ

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