Thursday, September 6, 2007


It is late and I am tired. The land deal is still moving forward but now the Buyer wants the Seller to reduce the price. And so goes the way of real estate deals. It is too early to tell if the Buyer will go away if the Seller does not throw them a bone. Or if the bone is really a crumb and it is not enough. Reality check....I have been out of town in the mountains of northern Arizona in our little cabin for several weeks. When we left to come home it was a cool 72 and by the time we hit the valley two hours later it was a very hot 111. I really would like to stay at the cabin! How can I amass riches and live in the mountains??? Any ideas?

Sunday, August 12, 2007


I can not think of a better way to celebrate the Lord's day than with my family. There is much blessing with family but there is also tears. My family is very important. Today we celebrated two of my grandchildren's birthdays. Calli who is one and Trevin who turned three. They are so cute and sweet and very important to our clan. There are eight grandchildren and one on the way. Today we talked about the effect of accountability in family. The oldest grandson who is a football star at his highschool was caught drinking in his freshman year. As a family we all got together and sat him in the middle of us. We talked to him about how his actions speak to the family and how his choice hurt us. It has been two years and he is doing great. Family is like coarse sandpaper and yet it is the glue that keeps me on solid ground. We need each other, not to be in each of our business, but to get our backs when the going gets tough.

Praise God! The church land sold. Now I am looking for a building for them.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Land Sale

Today I worked on a land sale in a small town on the border of Phoenix. It is an 11 acre mixed use site that sits in the midst of major development. The Seller is struggling with the loan and I am looking for an investor to pick it up and close quickly. Perhaps you know an investor who would like more information. It is dissapointing that the Seller, a church, got themselves in this situation. I know there is a bigger picture for all of us to learn. As I sat in a meeting with the leaders of the church my heart went out to them. I want so much to help them. I listed the property at $9.00 p/s/f and will sell it for much less.

Maybe one of the people I spoke to today will be the Buyer. Hope so!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Weary today

Today I am a little weary and tired. Drained might be a better word. I have been writing all day and that sure makes the eyes tired. I made a little french coffee earlier and that picked me up some but then like a dud dropped me off somewhere in the afternoon. Tonight we go to church but I think I would like to wait and go tomorrow. It seems so not right to go on Saturday night instead of Sunday but I gues that is relative to whether or not a person grew up going on Saturday or Sunday.

I am glad I go. Church has become a huge part of my life. I like the community it brings into my life. Webster Dict says community is a place where people can meet with common goals and ideas. I like that. This is what my church is for me. I say my church but I can find this community in almost any church I would attend. I just finished the book, Blue Like Jazz and I love the way he talks about community and its neccessity in each persons life. We were created for community.

So perhaps tonight or maybe tomorrow which ever it becomes I will go into my community and worship God with all my heart. Perhaps I will see you there?

Sunday, May 27, 2007

My Life

This was my first visit to Hawaii in April of '07. In the background is DiamondHead on the island of Oahu. My husband was a Marine stationed in Oahu in 1970-'72 when the Viet Nam war was in full swing. He always felt a little guilty because he did not actually go to Nam. On the 29th day of leave before being shipped out to Nam an order came to his parents home that changed the course of his life. Instead of Viet Nam, where several of his friends would loose their lives, he was sent to Hawaii to work in legal affairs.

My husband and I have been married 11 years. He is my third husband and I am his fourth wife. Odds definately were against us before we started and it has had it's rough times. Our pattern of divorce is certainly easier it seems at times than the fight to stay together. We both made some decisions to be wiser this time. One of the greatest decisions was to make God, Lord of our lives. That said does not make it easy. Just because we have both come to some major conclusions in terms of knowing there is a God and Jesus is who He says He is and we are committed to discovering what this means for us, does not make marriage an easy venture. Some of the others decisions we have made are to honor our marriage with loyalty to each other and to never talk or use the word divorce. We know this is the last marriage for each of us and we will be together until it is our time to leave this earth.

In the last few years I have been driven with passion to share the understanding of God and marriage with other women who are struggling in their walk with God and marriage. In this blog I will talk about some of these encounters and how they are coming to terms with their lives, their success and failure. I will talk about my own life as it relates.