Saturday, September 26, 2009


In my humble opinion I think we need the extremists, the tree hugger and the “crazy religious folks” as AxeMan calls them (from another blog) to balance the universe. It causes us to strike a middle ground offering some sacrifice to each to make peace. However because of this the friction is growing in America and across our great world. How does this affect me as a HUMAN? I must use my influence wisely. After searching I have come to conclude for me I can not take credit for being a ‘good human.’ Left to my own device I fall short. I also have come to the conclusion that I can not take credit for any ‘good’ I might do. Oh sure I can ‘be’ good when I want to be good but to be ‘good’ all the time…can’t do it! That brings to point another conclusion of the judge of GOOD. Who judges my good? Is it you another HUMAN or is it by my own standard of measure? How much is good enough? If I feed the poor what about the other poor I did not feed, since there will always be the poor. If I give money, what about the money I did not give and used for some selfish act to satisfy a selfish desire. Who is the judge of my giving? It is too much to bear to be both judge and jury of my own destiny. Guilt and shame and condemnation are the judge….I can never be GOOD enough! I have come to the conclusion after careful study and analysis that the universe is too big and complex, too beautiful and beyond my understanding. And after careful study have concluded there is a God and He created it all. It is His measure of GOOD I live by and not my own. It is He in me that produces the desire to ‘BE’ a better HUMAN and it is by His measure I serve others and in this serving I find peace.

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